Individual Tuition In Numerology


John Kenny has been teaching Numerology at The Healing House in Dublin for over 30 years. He has a love and understanding of numbers and he teaches with fun and an enthusiasm that is infectious.

John will show you how to calculate your Lifepath Number from your date of birth. This allows you to see the direction your soul was taking on the day that you were born. It outlines the lessons you will need to learn in this lifetime and how you can best go about that. It explains clearly what actions you must take to make yourself happy and fulfilled. It names the pitfalls that could delay you reaching your potential and the Karmic debts which form your to-do list in this lifetime.

John will show you how to follow your own progress through the different years of your life. Each year brings a new set of lessons and challenges. Knowing which year is for what helps you get the most of say the year for study, the year for travel, the year for love, the year for play and rest and the year when you should make changes to the work that you do. There are more chances of you getting the most out of life if you are tuned in to what Personal Year you are currently going through.

Then of course Numerology helps you to better understand your family background. It highlights the assets and deficits in your family that gave you the gifts that got you started in life but it also clarifies the hungers that only you can fulfil.

This is an empowering short course of perhaps four hours depending on the student. After learning the basics, you will need to practice, practice, practice if you wish to use this ancient wisdom in your everyday life.

Contact John directly at 086 8308243, or call The Healing House at 01-8306413 or email